Sunday, August 2, 2015

Andong / Hanjuang (Cordyline Fruticosa) for Health


Red Andong or Hanjuang has a scientific name Cordyline Fruticosa. It seems that the classification of the plant is quite complicated so that he has so many other scientific names. Synonyms scientific name is Convallaria Fruticosa, Asparagus Terminalis, Aletris Chinensis, Dracaena Ferrea, Cordyline Terminalis, Dracaena Terminalis, and Terminalis Fructicosa. This plant could be considered as members of Liliaceae (type of lily), previously also entered into Dracaena group, or Laxmanniaceae, or Agaveceae, but now he has put into the group asparagaceae. The genus Cordyline itself consists of at least 15 species, with quite varied forms.
Because this plant is widespread begin Southeast Asia , Melanesia, Australia, Islands in the Indian Ocean, to Polynesia, then he has a lot of names or designations. Other names cabbage palm , good luck plant, ti plant, sabang, jijuang, mak mak pu mia, dracena, bloddracena, hanjuang, tie leaves, handwang, endong, linjuwang, bakjuang, renjuang, laklak, sawang, anjiluwang, anderuwang, lytic, ida'an, ti kouka, and cana la india.
Andong plant is often used as a barrier land , fields or gardens , ornamental plants , plants for graves in Indonesia . But it turns out, did you know that the benefits of the plant as a cure various diseases carriage turned out very much.


General characteristics of plants are shrubs branched carriage . Have between 2-4 m high . The leaves on the top branches of crowding with spiral arrangement . Have stalk -like gutters . As well as the shape of the leaf blade line, 20-60 times 1-13 cm, with a wedge-shaped base and a pointed tip, green or red. Twig with former ring-shaped leaf loss. Leaf flower tent amounted to 6 that extends with a length of 1.3 cm . There are 3 extra pieces on the lower half attached , closely to the inside , the top part off and arched back again .
Andong has a shiny black seeds . Stamens amounted to 6 pieces and stuck on the hood of flowers. Anthers short 3 Taju. Buni fruit such as spherical shape, shiny red. Andong plant is one of the plants grown in the garden or in the gardens as a hedge plant. These plants come from East Asia , including in Indonesia , carriage plant often found in gardens as an ornamental plant


Andong plant contains saponins, tannins, flavonoids, polyphenols, steroid, polysaccharides, calcium oxalate, and iron. All of these substances are generally located on the leaves. A small portion is located on the stems, flowers and roots


Here are some recipes using a medicinal herb of andong :
  • Andong To Treat gingivitis 
          Portions were used : bark carriage.
          How to make a potion : skin abrasion carriage to taste, add a little salt, stir until smooth.
          How to use : Apply the herb on the inflamed gums
  • Andong To Treat coughing up blood, bloody urine, or menses too much.
          Parts used are the leaves or roots
          Concocting way: namely by boiling the leaves fresh andong ± 90g, or dried roots carriage
          ± 50g with three cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Filter It.
          How to use: Drinking in the morning and afternoon ½ cup.
  • Andong For Diarrhea / Dysentery
          Portions were used: leaf / root crops
          How to create a potion: boil the leaves ± 90 g, or dried roots carriage ± 15 g using three                     glasses of  water. Boil until the remaining 1 cup. Strain, then divide into three glasses of the             same size.
          Usage: Drink 3 times a day, ie morning, noon, and evening.
  • Andong To Treat Hemorrhoids
          Ingredients: 3 pieces + carriage leaves leaf fresh Wungu 7 strands.
          Concocting ways: boiled material with three cups of water until remaining 1 cup. Filter It
          Usage: drink regularly every day.
  • Andong To cure stings of venomous animals
          Parts used: Leaves carriage.
          Concocting way: puree a few leaves of fresh carriage. Then heat over the fire.
          How to use: In warm conditions, rubbed on the body part injured in shock. 
          Wrapped with a cloth. Replace 2-3 times a day.

1 comment:

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